Wednesday 3 April 2013

Seljalandsfoss, Iceland

Having been looking at Anke's wonderful pictures from her trip to Iceland in August of last year, I decided to go back and look again at my pictures taken in October 2010.

 To see the difference I would refer you to Anke's picture of the same waterfall taken in the summer
Looking back towards the road the lush green of summer is dying back but winter has not arrived yet.

 As the water falls over the cliff the spray covers the surrounding area in ice, creating some wonderful ice sculptures

The grass was captured in the ice and the colour has been preserved
Here the ice holds the colours and they look like lettle gemstones

 The way the ice covers everything gives an eirie qualty to the place


  1. That's gorgeous. I would really love to go there in another season too one day. Late autumn or early spring, when the snow is not yet melted, but the temperatures are not freezing ones toes of. Winter must create some fairytale impressions. I just think of the "waterfall trail" starting on the top of Skógafoss, where you walk past at least 25 waterfalls before you are meeting the track road to Fimvörðuhals. It must be magic to see them frozen. ...though the trail is probably not existant in winter.....

  2. I see the difference in climate between your pics, taken in October, and Anke's photo's from August. Both seasons have it's charme Chilla !

  3. Excellent shots, Celia! Love the first photo of the fall, the ice gems, and the detail of the wooden bridge. Everything seems to be gigantic in Iceland, especially the great openings in the landscape. Thanks so much!
