Wednesday 20 March 2013

Essaouira, Morocco

Essaouira lies on the Atlantic coast of Morocco north of Agadir.
The main attractions lie in the Medina and the old fishing port

Inside the room someone was preparing food and every so often threw a piece to the cat.

Shopping in Essouira was a real pleasure after the suq in Marrakech. We were able to brouse quietly along the streets of the Medina.

We bought a fish in the market. We had it gutted and then took it to a grill where it was cooked and served with salad and chips, so good!


  1. Wonderful photos and descriptions! Life seems to be in slow motion there. Maybe it is the peace conveyed by your shots. Loved the photo of the cat waiting for another snack, the boats, and your writing about the fish and chips meal. Thanks so much, Celia!

  2. It looks so exotic. And I love this contrast between those ancient sandy coloured buildings and the bright colours, of boats, tiles and fabrics...the curiosity of the cat...the little wildflowers on top of the withered roof.
